Have You Outgrown QuickBooks? | Webinar Presented by goVirtualOffice and AccountingDepartment.com

Have You Outgrown QuickBooks? | Webinar Presented by goVirtualOffice and AccountingDepartment.com

Have you or your clients outgrown Quickbooks or a related solution? Need to streamline the process of handling operations? Stuck in an old system that is slowing down growth? Then this session is for you. 

Join Jennie Hoffman of AccountingDepartment.com and Chrissy Allard of goVirtualOffice as they take you through the signs that you have outgrown your current systems and tell the stories of businesses that have harnessed the power of an ERP. Find out how their customers are scaling without adding headcount by building better processes and gaining insights with better reporting. 

Date: Friday, February 9, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM EST
CPA: 1.00
Cost: FREE!

In this webinar, you will:
  • Identify the signs that you have outgrown QuickBooks
  • Recognize the signs that you need an ERP system for your business
  • Discover the lessons learned from those who have made the switch
Chrissy Allard

Chrissy Allard
Marketing and Sales Director, goVirtualOffice

Chrissy is the Marketing and Sales Director at goVirtualOffice. She brings over 20 years of expertise in helping businesses scale and grow. She has worn every hat on the rack from graphic designer to CMO. From working for one of the largest national wholesale distributors to working for startups she loves helping businesses grow. When she isn’t working on building a pipeline you can find her enjoying the great outdoors. No matter the weather the lake life is calling her to spend time with her family dropping a line or just enjoying a cruise in her C10. 

 Jennie Hoffman

Jennie Hoffman
Senior Implementation Controller, AccountingDepartment.com

From accountant, auditor, controller to assistant director, Jennie has seen under the hood of many businesses through the years. As an outsourced controller for the past 11 years, she has learned the ins and outs of so many businesses and helped them evolve and grow. If there was a Dr. for accounting departments she would be one of the top ranked! She has helped so many businesses diagnose their issues and get on track to a good bill of health in no time. 

From the beginning, AccountingDepartment.com has been a QuickBooks shop and realized clients would benefit from having access to larger systems to scale and grow their operations and increase visibility and quality data to make better business decisions. When Jennie isn’t transforming her customers’ businesses and making sure the books are balanced, she enjoys volunteering, craft projects, and spending time with her family. 

 Register For the Webinar Here


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