Customer onboarding: your guide to making it work – MYOB Pulse

Customer onboarding: your guide to making it work - MYOB Pulse

Whether you’re an old hand in the business world or just starting out, customer onboarding is where the magic happens.

It’s like that warm welcome you get when you walk into your favorite cafe.

In this blog, we’ll explore why customer onboarding is such a big deal and how to make it work for your business.

So, if you’re running an e-store, a successful SME, or something totally unique, let’s open up the world of customer onboarding and discover how it can be your secret weapon. 

Customer onboarding

What is customer onboarding?

Customer onboarding is all about making your new customers feel comfortable, like they belong. 

Picture this: You’ve just welcomed a new customer to your MYOB software.

Now it’s time to help them hit the ground running. Customer onboarding in this scenario is like taking them on a virtual tour of the software.

You’re their friendly guide, helping them set up their first call list, make that initial call, and tweak the software to suit their needs.

It’s all about making sure they feel confident and ready to dive into the world of efficient calling, just like a pro.

How to onboard a new customer

Now that we’ve got the basics of customer onboarding, let’s dive into how to make it a walk in the park.

These are the keys to success:

1. Personalisation matters

Get cozy with your customers from the get-go.

When they sign up, ask about their likes, goals, and what grinds their gears. This helps you create a customised and human experience.

Greet them by name when they join, and why not send them a friendly video message or a welcome email? Then, give them resources that match their needs and goals. 

2. Clarity is king

Keep things crystal clear in your onboarding process.

Create simple, step-by-step guides, FAQs, and video tutorials.

Over half (55%) of people surveyed admit they’ve returned a product simply because they didn’t fully grasp how to use it.

So, make sure you’re giving your customers an array of helpful resources to ensure they confidently navigate their way through your product or service.

3. Keep the lines of communication open

First thing to remember is keep the conversation flowing. Schedule regular check-ins to see how they’re doing.

In the same fashion, you can do this through friendly emails or quick surveys. Encourage them to spill the beans on their onboarding journey.

And don’t make them hunt for help — be there when they need it.

4. Embrace feedback

Feedback is your best friend in this process.

Make it a breeze for customers to share their thoughts. Once you’ve got their insights, don’t leave them hanging.

Dive in, spot consumer trends, and make those improvements.

Customer onboarding

5. Maintain consistency

Consistency is key. It ensures that every customer gets the same five-star treatment.

Over 70% of businesses see a direct link between customer service and business performance.

That’s why it’s crucial to deliver a consistent experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Firstly, start by nailing down your onboarding game plan. Train your team to follow the playbook to a tee.

Additionally, make sure your onboarding process can handle growth without breaking a sweat. 

Measuring onboarding success

So you’ve rolled out the welcome mat for new customers and guided them through the onboarding process like a champ.

But how do you know if it’s all clicking?

That’s where measuring onboarding success comes in. Here’s how to keep an eye on your onboarding wins:

Conversion rates 

Customer onboarding
Image sourced from

Another key thing to watch is conversion rates. This is where you see how many trial users are turning into paying customers.

Also, a higher conversion rate means your onboarding is hitting the bullseye.

The average conversion rate is around 2%, but this changes depending on what industry you’re working in. 

User engagement metrics

Take a peek at user engagement metrics. Look at stats like logins, how quickly they’re adopting new features, and how often they’re using your product.

If you see those numbers on the upswing, it’s a thumbs-up for your onboarding efforts. 

Customer satisfaction surveys

Don’t forget direct feedback from your customers.

Send out customer satisfaction surveys regularly to find out how you’re doing. Then, use their insights to fine-tune your onboarding process.

Customer onboarding
Image sourced from

Churn rates

Firstly, keep an eye on churn rates, which tell you how many customers are waving goodbye after onboarding.

Also, if your churn rates are high, it’s a signal that something in your onboarding might need a little TLC.

Think of it as patching up a boat to keep it afloat — you don’t want customers jumping ship.

Churn rates vary by industry, so check the image above.

Measuring onboarding success is a journey, not a destination.

Use these metrics to keep track of your progress, spot areas for improvement, and keep refining your onboarding strategy over time.

By doing so, you’ll not only welcome new customers effectively but also keep them engaged and satisfied throughout their journey with your product or service.

Customer onboarding

Onboard with confidence

We’ve covered the ins and outs of customer onboarding, from defining it to mastering the metrics.

Now, you’re all set to welcome new customers with open arms and guide them through the onboarding journey.

Remember, customer onboarding is like the first chapter of a book — it sets the tone for the entire story.

By personalising the customer experience, keeping things crystal clear, and staying connected with your customers, you’re well on your way to success.

Happy onboarding! 

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