How to Start a Mobile Detailing Business (Step by Step Guide)

How to Start a Mobile Detailing Business (Step by Step Guide)

If you’re looking to start a business with little upfront cash, a mobile car detailing business could be the perfect choice for you.

Because car detailing is a relatively simple process, it can be a great option for those willing to put in the time and effort to master.

Keep reading to learn what you need to start your car detailing business, how to detail a car, tips to grow a successful car detailing business, and how much money you can make starting an auto detailing business. Let’s get started!

What is Mobile Detailing?

In the most simple terms, car detailing is the process of cleaning, repairing, or refurbishing a vehicle so that it is in superior cosmetic condition.

You can think of it as a much deeper clean than a typical car wash and interior clean. You’ll need to ensure both the interior and exterior are in perfect shape to satisfy your customers and grow your car detailing business.  

What is a Mobile Detailing Business?

Now that you know what car detailing is all about, there are several ways you can turn it into a full-time business.

One of the cheapest and most affordable ways is by starting a mobile detailing business.

With this business model, you’ll go directly to your customers instead of having an expensive landmark location. These can be beneficial as a business owner for several reasons but the most important is the amount of money you’ll save by not having to pay for a physical location.

How to Start a Mobile Detailing Business

1. Create a Business Plan

Creating a business plan is a fundamental step when creating any business. A sound business plan will help you map out the steps you need to take to start and grow a successful business.

Your business plan should include your business goals, target market, how you’ll market your business, your business model, what services you’ll offer, and your financial projections.

You can check out this guide for help writing a business plan.

2. Get Funding for Your Business

Mobile detailing businesses are extremely affordable to get started. You can often times start your business for less than $1,000.

If you need money to start your business, consider asking family and friends or taking out a small business loan.

3. Register Your Business

Next, you’ll need to register your business with the state you operate in. This will include registering your business name, getting a tax ID number, and setting up your business entity.

4. Open a Business Checking Account

Keeping your personal and businesses expenses separate is essential to avoid any problems down the road when it comes tax season.

It’s smart to open a business checking account to handle your business finances and stay on top of your money.

You can also consider a business credit card to help navigate startup costs.

5. Obtain Licenses, Permits, and Insurance

With any business, there could be some licenses or permits needed to begin your operations. Be sure to explore these before beginning otherwise you could face penalties in some cities.

The exact permits and licenses you need will depend on the state and city you operate in.

You’ll also want to obtain liability insurance for your company. This can protect your business in case something goes wrong on the job.

General lability insurance can be very affordable so it’s a good idea to research for your mobile detailing business.

6. Market Your Services and Get Started!

Finally, it’s time to launch your business. You’ll want to begin any marketing initiatives you have planned to gain customers.

Here’s a great video on how to get started!

Mobile Detailing Equipment and Supplies

When you decide to start your car detailing business, you’ll need a few pieces of equipment and supplies to get started. While some may be considered optional, many of them are required or recommended.


Because your business is mobile, you’ll need a way to transport yourself and your equipment to your clients. You can consider using a car, but a larger vehicle like a truck or SUV would be more ideal given some of the equipment required. If you plan on hiring employees or additional help, a larger vehicle will also allow for more flexibility.

Power Washer

While this piece of equipment is technically optional, it might make your job easier as a car detailer. The pressure built by this machine can remove even the toughest dirt and mud encrusted on any vehicle. Some power washers have the ability to add a cleaning solution to them, making it even more powerful when cleaning the exterior of a vehicle.

You can find a power washer from many local hardware or home appliance stores or you can opt to purchase one online.

Power washers range in price depending on the brand and power desired but you can expect to spend at least $300 on a new power washer or over $1,000 for a higher-end piece of equipment.

If you’re looking to save money on a power washer, you could consider purchasing a used piece that you might be able to find at a garage sale or via websites like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. If purchasing a used piece of equipment, it’s wise to ensure the piece works before handing over any cash.

Here are some of our recommended power washers:

Water Source

Because your business is mobile, you’ll need some sort of water supply to clean vehicles. For many, this will be the homeowner’s water supply. You should always check with the homeowners beforehand to make sure that they are okay with this and you should note how far the nearest water source is from their driveway (or where the car will be washed).


If you’re planning to use a water source at the vehicle owner’s location, you’ll need a way to direct that water where you want it in the form of a hose. You should purchase multiple sizes or consider purchasing a coupler to connect multiple hoses together. This can become handy if the homeowner’s water source is far away from the location of the vehicle.

Cost: $15 – $50

Hose Attachments

To make your job easier, you should purchase an attachment for your hose that makes shutting off the water easy and efficient. That way, when the water is not needed, you will not be forced to make your way to the source to turn it off. You can find a variety of hose attachments here.

Cost : $5 – $25


A vacuum is necessary to remove any dirt or debris from the interior of the vehicle. Your vacuum should either be portable or offer attachments making it easier to maneuver once inside the vehicle.

Prices on vacuums range depending on the brand, power, and style but you can expect to spend anywhere from $30 to $300. You can find a selection of car detailing vacuums here.

Extension Cords

Unless your vacuum is battery powered, you’ll need a source of power and extension cords to route the power to your device. Once again, ensure that the homeowner is okay with using a power supply beforehand and note where it is located. You can find a selection of extension cords for outdoor use here.

Cost: $10 – $50


A buffer will help you to apply wax or polish on the exterior of the vehicle more efficiently and it will typically provide more shine than a hand waxed vehicle. While buffing is not typically standard on basic car detailing packages, you can charge an additional fee for this service. You can find a selection of buffers here.

Cost: $20 – $150

Cleaning Supplies

Now that you have most of the logistical supplies in hand, you’ll need to purchase your cleaning and detailing supplies. You can choose to purchase them separately or together in a kit that will provide many of the car detailing essentials.

Towels, Sponges, and Brushes

You’ll need a few different products to clean deep in crevasses, dry, and polish the exterior of the vehicle you’re working on. Between towels, sponges, and brushes, you should be capable of reaching any area you need to. You can find a selection of these items here.

How To Detail a Car

Detailing a vehicle requires extreme attention to detail (hence the name). You’ll need to keep your eyes sharp looking for even the smallest of blemishes when cleaning to keep your clients satisfied.


Step 1: Inspect the Vehicle

Before you turn the hose or get the cleaning supplies out, you should first give the vehicle an inspection to see what areas are in need of the most attention. You should inspect both the interior and exterior of the vehicle noting any major blemishes.

Step 2: Clean the Interior

After inspecting the car, it’s time to get down to cleaning the interior of the vehicle. Start by cleaning any crevasse of the interior like instrument clusters, door handles, windows, and the trunk (if applicable).

Next, remove any dirt or debris from the seats of the vehicle and wiping them onto the floor to vacuum up. Once any crumbs or debris are removed, you can clean the seats with the appropriate cleaners. If the seats are leather, you can use your leather conditioner to bring new life to the seats.

After cleaning the seats, you should move onto the floor of the vehicle. Starting by vacuuming the floor, then clean any carpet that is in need using the appropriate carpet cleaner.

Step 3: Clean the Exterior

After completing the interior, it’s time to move on to the exterior. Start by giving the vehicle a rinse of water. Then, depending on your equipment, either fill a bucket with your car wash soap and water or prepare your power washer for a deeper clean. Once your bucket is full, start cleaning the exterior with a sponge or rag you find to work best. Once the car has been washed, rinse the car with water until clear of any soap suds. Immediately start drying the vehicle after rinsing to avoid any dry spots. If dry spots do occur, you can polish them away later on.

Now that the majority of the vehicle is clean, you’ll need to washer the wheels and tires. It’s a good idea to use a special wheel cleaner for deeper penetration as wheels are typically very dirty from brake dust. Once the wheels are clean, you can apply tire shine as desired to give the wheels a fresh look.

Step 4: Wax

Now that the car is completely clean, you should wax or polish the vehicle to give it some extra shine. If you have a buffer, this is the time to use it. Always wax in a circular motion to avoid any streaks. Once you have waxed the vehicle, use a microfiber towel to wipe away any excess wax or polish.

Step 5: Final Inspection

Now that the vehicle is polished, you should inspect the entire vehicle looking for any areas that could have been overlooked. If you find any areas in need of cleaning, spot clean them as necessary.

Step 6: Get Owners Approval

Once the vehicle has passed your inspection, the owner of the vehicle will get his or her turn to inspect your work. If you get a thumbs up, you’re good to go. If you get a thumbs down, go over any areas the owner mentions.

Step 7: Clean Up

Once you have the owner’s approval of your work, you’ll need to clean up any mess you have made and load your equipment and supplies back into your vehicle. You should spray off the driveway so that any soap suds are gone.

How Much Should I Charge for Auto Detailing?

While there is no set price that you should charge for your services, it is common to charge anywhere from $50 to over $400 for car detailing. The variables include the type of car, the vehicle’s current condition, and how much time will be required.

Some businesses might choose to charge an hourly rate for their services. If this is your plan, you should expect to charge anywhere from $50 to $100 per hour or more. You’ll want to keep in mind the services you plan to complete before committing to a price.

For example, here are some prices for mobile detailing I found in my area.

Mobile Detailing Costs

Another option some car detailing businesses will offer is several tiers of their services, letting the customer choose which is right for them. Making money car detailing is all about remaining competitive and keeping your customers satisfied. 

Mobile Car Detailing Prices

Mobile car detailing prices will fluctuate depending on your city. In most cases, you can charge anywhere from $100 to $400 for your time.

Tips to Becoming a Successful Mobile Car Detailer and Growing Your Car Detailing Business

Know Your Competition

As a car detailer, you have a few different competitors. Mainly, commercial car washes and people who prefer to detail their vehicles themselves.

You should use this information to your advantage by messaging it in your marketing.

For example, you could mention the interior detailing you offer or the quality of your services because many commercial car washes do not have this offering. 

Set Pricing Low at First

When you first start detailing vehicles, you should aim to keep your prices lower than your competition at first, then rising them after your work has been validated and your customers are happy. This is an excellent method to grow your customer base at the beginning and keeping them coming back for a lifetime. 

You can often charge anywhere between $40 and $200+ for your services or you can choose to offer an hourly rate.

Get the Word Out

To become a successful mobile car detailer, people need to know about you! You should plan to market your business in various ways. A few options to get started are:

  • Social Media
  • Craigslist
  • Direct Mail
  • Flyers
  • Yard Signs
  • Business Cards
  • Word of Mouth

As a small business, one of the best ways to get your business found initially is to use word of mouth marketing. A great way to start out is by asking your friends and family to share your business with their acquaintances.

Knowing how to market your auto detailing business is essential if you want to be successful.

Having a professional website is now mandatory for any small business to be trusted by potential customers.

You can also utilize digital marketing like social media, search engine optimization, and pay per click advertising to find new business and grow your mobile detailing business.

Become a Great Salesperson

Once you’ve marketed your services, it’s all about closing the deal. You need to be capable of getting prospects to commit to your services for an agreed-upon price.

Sales is about building and strengthening your relationship with your customers. Being transparent, encouraging, and showing the value of your services are all great ways to become a more successful salesperson and increase revenues for your auto detailing business. 

Quality over Quantity

Car detailing is a business that requires extreme attention to detail. When a customer decides to pay for your service, you need to provide the highest quality in order to retain them and hopefully get them to spread your name around.

Be sure to leave your client happy and do anything you can to ensure a positive experience.

Looking for more tips for car detailing? Check out my friend Darren’s website that offers some of the best info when it comes to detailing cars, cleaning car interiors, and leather care tips.

Offer a Variety of Services

The best car detailing businesses will offer a wide variety of services to please every customer. This includes interior detailing, exterior detailing, buffing, drying the vehicle, and much more. 

You’ll want to ensure your business can offer the services your customers ask for when the time comes. 

Another option is to expand into other types of detailing services. For example, boat owners might need their boat washed – which can be a great way to boost your revenue.

Create a Mobile Car Detailing Business Plan

Having a plan for your business is essential to its’ success. You’ll want to have a good idea of the structure of your business, how you will make money, how you will attract new customers, and much more. Your business plan should include the details of your financial outlook for your business, short term and long term business goals, a market analysis of your competition, and much more. 

Hire Good Employees

As you expand your mobile car wash business, you’ll likely need to hire employees.

This can be a great way to expand your services and make more money. Because the majority of your expenses are labor costs, you can easily grow your auto detailing business by hiring the right employees.

Ask for Reviews

Your current customers can be some of your greatest assets when looking to expand your mobile car wash business.

By asking them to leave reviews on Google and Yelp you can grow your business without having to pay a dime in marketing costs.

Ask for Reviews to Grow Business

Mobile Car Detailing Business Operational Requirements

The last piece of starting your car detailing business is to resolve all of the operational questions that come with start most businesses. How will you collect payment? Will you send invoices? How will you manage the accounting and taxes of your business? You should aim to answer these questions before opening your business to ensure a smooth operation.

You’ll also want to consider any permits or licenses needed for your business required by the state you reside in. This also includes any business liability insurance needed to keep your company, your employees, and yourself safe. 

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Mobile Detailing Business?

The cost to start a mobile car detailing business is low.

In many cases, you can get up and running for less than $2,000. The most expensive start up costs will be your transportation, pressure washer, and random supplies.

Can I Turn My Mobile Car Detailing Business Into a Physical Location?

If you’ve started a successful mobile car detailing business you might be wondering how difficult it would be to turn your business into a physical location.

In some ways, it may not be as difficult as you think depending on the complexity of your desires.

One of the best options is to find an open space where you can wash vehicles with a larger driveway. Some rental spaces might have a large space to complete your work. (Always check with the property owner to ensure they are okay with your plans)

The next option is to consider purchasing land and pouring a concrete foundation for clients to park their vehicles. This will require a much larger investment as you will also need a water and electricity source but could be worth it depending on the size of your operation.

How Much Money Can a Car Detailing Business Make?

One of my favorite things about starting an auto detailing business is the amount of money you can make. Your income potential can be almost limitless. Your only limit is the number of cars you can wash. 

Depending on the amount of business you are capable of acquiring, you can make anywhere from $2,500 per month to well over $10,000 for businesses with a larger customer base. 

If you’re looking to increase your income, you can alway opt to hire employees to help you wash more vehicles and in-turn, make more money.

Is a Mobile Car Wash a Good Business?

Starting a mobile detailing business or mobile car wash business is a great option for many entrepreneurs looking to quit their day job and work full-time on their business.

With low start up costs and high margins, a mobile detailing business can be one of the best profitable business ideas for anyone.

Final Thoughts

Starting a mobile car detailing business is a great option for those who get gratification seeing the transformation of a vehicle from dirty to polished. It requires a strong attention to detail and a few essential tools and supplies to get started. You can plan to spend anywhere from $250 to $5,000 on initial supplies with the largest costs being a power washer, vacuum, and transportation costs. 

Your detailing services can start by offering you part-time work on nights and weekends before transitioning into a full-time position.

Making money by detailing cars is an excellent business opportunity for many.

Forrest is a personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing expert dedicated to helping others obtain life long wealth.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in business and has been featured in many popular publications including Forbes, Business Insider, Bankrate, CNET Money, and many others.
To learn more about Forrest, visit the About Us Page for more info.

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