Donate your last hour of pay – Qtac

Donate your last hour of pay - Qtac

Donate your last hour of pay

Christmas is just around the corner, a time when we think of others, exchange gifts, and spend time with those we love. Therefore, we believe the holiday season is an excellent time to raise awareness and funds for our charity partner, Brain Tumour Support.

The charity is dedicated to providing support for anyone affected by any type of brain tumour, at any point from diagnosis and for as long as support is needed. Please join us in standing up for more awareness, a better understanding of the complex issues for patients, families, and the critical need for research and vital support for all those affected.

So before you clock off for the festive season, why not make a donation that will cost you an hour of your salary to make a lifetime of difference. Pledge your last hour’s pay and help transform lives.

Simply calculate your hourly rate and donate the equivalent to Brain tumour support.

Can I donate anonymously or hide the donation amount?

Yes, just leave the box blank that says ‘Your name (optional)’. This is in the second step of the donation process. To hide your donation amount from the page, make sure to tick the box next to ‘Hide my amount from public view’.

How your support makes a difference: 

  • £50 – Funds an assessment and first 1-to-1 session with a specialist counsellor
  • £100 – pays for 10 information packs supplied to newly diagnosed patients.

Still need to buy last-minute Christmas presents? Use Amazon smile! 

What is Amazon Smile?

Amazon Smile is operated by Amazon. It features the same products at the same prices as the standard Amazon site. The only difference is, when you shop on Amazon Smile, the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the cost of all eligible products to your chosen charity.

How do I sign up for Amazon Smile?

To sign up for Amazon Smile, visit

If you’ve already got an Amazon account, simply login to your account and search Brain Tumour Support in the ‘pick your own charity’ search bar on the right-hand side of the screen. Click to select Brain tumour support as your chosen charity and you’re ready to start shopping.

Are prices higher on Amazon Smile?

Absolutely not! You’ll be able to shop the same products, at the same prices. It doesn’t cost you a penny more.

So as you look forward to some time off with friends and loved ones, make a donation that will make a real difference this Christmas.

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