5 Popular Tax Myths, Busted – The TurboTax Blog

5 Popular Tax Myths, Busted - The TurboTax Blog

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Hoo boy, I’ve heard it all! People come up with the craziest theories about taxes, but much of what they think is not true. It’s what you think you know that really isn’t true that can hurt you, so I’d like to clear up a few tax myths to improve your filing experience this year!

Myth #1. If you apply for an extension to file your taxes, you’re more likely to be audited. Studies have never found any correlation between extending the deadline for filing and getting audited. Another myth says that if you file early, you are more likely to be audited. That’s not true either.  Less than 1% of taxpayers are audited.

Myth #2. Don’t file your tax return until you have the money to pay the tax due. April 15th is the tax deadline to file your taxes, whether or not you have the money. File on time, and then work out an installment payment plan with the IRS. You may also receive a tax refund after TurboTax gives you the tax deductions and credits you’re eligible for. Last tax season, the average tax refund was about $3,100. 

Myth #3. If your parents live in a nursing home, they can’t be your dependents. It is true that dependents who are not relatives need to live with you, but that rule doesn’t apply to your parents. If you support your parents or another relative, you can claim them as your dependents no matter where they live.

Myth #4. You can write off your dog. We all know our fur babies can get expensive, but unless your pet-related expenses are directly related to protecting your business, as in the case of a guard dog, or if you need a dog for medical reasons, such as a seeing eye dog, you cannot write off expenses related to your pet’s care.

Myth #5. Money you inherit is taxable to you. I hear this one a lot. Here’s the scoop: in almost every state, if there is a tax to be paid, it is paid by the estate of the person who died and not by you. The six states that impose an inheritance tax include Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, and  Pennsylvania. But even if you live in one of those states, unless you inherit millions from a person to whom you have no close family ties, you probably are off the hook for inheritance tax. And by the way, you don’t pay tax on gifts you receive either.

Don’t worry about tax myths you hear this tax season. TurboTax helps you easily and accurately file your taxes. Meet with a TurboTax Full Service expert who can prepare, sign and file your taxes, so you can be 100% confident your taxes are done right. Start TurboTax Live Full Service today, in English or Spanish, and get your taxes done and off your mind.

Let’s take taxes
off your mind

We’re ready to help you get
your taxes done right,

Ginita Wall
Ginita Wall

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